Tag Archives: date ideas

At Home Date Ideas

I like a good at-home date any old time but as we are all now forced to stay home during this pandemic and if having nothing to look forward to is getting you down then there’s no better time to plan a date with your loved one at Casa Homestead :).

You could even combine a few of these and turn each room in your house into a different themed event – karaoke in the kitchen? Board games in the living room? Lovers Spa in the bedroom? We’ve got the ideas to turn your quarantine into a quaran-extreme! Your isolate into an iso-date! Your social distancing into… you get the picture.

1. Have a living room (or backyard picnic)

Lay down a blanket (just like when you were a kid) break out the snacks (depending on what you were able to find during your last shop this may be a mish-mash of boiled asparagus and herring but hey! At least it’ll be memorable) and you could even light a few candles or add a few fairy lights to make it feel extra special. Fondue anyone?

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2. Make a fort

For this blast from the past all you need is an old sheet or two and something to throw it over. Make it extra cosy with some pillows and even add some lights or bunting you may have lying around the house. Watch something on the telly, play board games, indulge in some snacks, snuggle, binge watch all 8 Harry Potter movies (I’m not judging) – it’s all that much more exciting when done from the comforts of your own fortress.

Image result for livingroom fort

3. Turn your bedroom into a couples spa experience

Run your SO a hot bubble bath then treat them to a relaxing massage in the bedroom. If you’ve got bath robes and slippers at home this would be a nice touch. If not, knock up a homemade sign, put some nature tunes on the smartphone, light some candles and get those hands to work! You could even type up a list of which treatments are on offer at this spa for them to choose – back massage, facial, manicure, foot massage, full body, full body – hubba hubba. It’s all up to you!

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Dating Divas – Spa Date

While He Was Napping – Spa Date

4. Have a Cook Off (Or Bake Off)

Make a little game out of who can come up with the best meal or dessert using whatever random ingredients you were able to find during your last shop. One time during a snow day we emptied the contents of our fridge and had a toastie-making contest. Award points for tastiness, creativity and presentation and come up with a prize for the winner. For example, winner gets a chocolate bar – who are we kidding? Does anyone have chocolate left at a time like this? They may have to suffice with a kiss and bragging rights this time!

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5. Yoga or Workout Date

If your SO is the active type, lay out some mats (if you have them) load up a Yoga or Workout video on Youtube and follow along together. To set the mood again you could put on some nature music, light some candles and let the zen help you find your inner goat. Or something. You could even treat them to a smoothie after if you’ve got a blender, bananas, some kind of fruit (fresh or frozen) and some milk.

Image result for couples yoga date night

10 Yoga Workout Channels

10 Minute Couples Workout Routine

6. Challenge Your SO to a Drinking Game

While you can’t go to the pub with your mates or down to the hottest new club at the moment there are endless lists out there of 2 person drinking games which could be played in the comfort of your own living room. Even better, invite another couple to join you via Skype and have a group date! There are also a million games out there for different movies or TV series’ or better yet, create your own rules to your own favourite flick.

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Skype Drinking Games

27 Naughty and Nice Drinking Games for Couples

7. Set up a karaoke bar

If you happen to have a mic at home – great (maybe not so great for your neighbours but it does make it more authentic!). If not, grab a hairbrush or go acapella, load up some songs on Youtube (a search of any song followed by karaoke will likely get you a background track) and sing til your heart’s content. If you’ve got a disco ball, disco light, light box, some sort of light-up letters left over from your wedding 3 years ago etc,. these can help to create a ‘bar’ type feel. Add in some fancy dress (feather boa? top hat? last year’s Halloween costumes?) for a silly time.

Serve up some chips in newspaper and a couple beers afterwards to make it extra bar-like.

Image result for couples karaoke

8. Video game & pizza date

Dig out a favourite 2-player video game and throw a pizza in the oven – or better yet – make your own creation using tortilla wraps and whatever toppings you can find to hand. Pineapple and cous-cous? Broccolli and boiled egg? Apple and artichoke? You might just be onto the next big thing!

If you scored some popcorn or crisps on your last shop – even better!

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9. Family History Date (Idea from The Dating Divas)

I am hugely into genealogy so I’m surprised I didn’t think of this one myself! Take some time to talk about your family history, create a tree together, then become detectives and see what else you can discover. I did this 10 years ago and since then have become a family history fanatic building my own tree of over 400 relatives and my husband’s of over 300 – so proceed at own risk! It’s seriously addictive.

Ancestry still remains the best online portal for creating a tree but don’t worry if you can’t afford the subscription fee – you can build and upload files for free (you just can’t access their records). A great starting point for free records is familysearch.org and findagrave.com

Family History Date #familyhistory #geneology

Dating Divas – Family History Date

10. Youtube Video Challenge

When Youtube first came out I would get hours of enjoyment with friends sharing our repertoire of hilarious vids with one another (see Jon Lajoie, Steve Kardynal, The Lonely Island, News Anchor Bloopers etc,.) and many an evening has been spent reminiscing over old music videos – which still make a fantastic date or evening with friends.

But in a bid to make some new discoveries come up with a scavenger hunt list of videos you and/or your partner need to find, load these up and share. Your list could include: a prank video, a video about something you’re afraid of, your all-time favourite music video, the first video you ever watched on Youtube, a video about a topic you’re interested in, etc,. or you can use this handy dandy list from the dating divas!

Youtube Scavenger Hunt Date – Dating Divas

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11. Start a book club with your SO

Grab a mug of your favourite hot drink, some cozy socks and pastries and take a trip to cafe a la bed. This date could be done as a couple or you could even start this with a willing group of friends and have a weekly Skype discussion. Pick a book together and take turns reading a chapter to one another – jot down some questions or thoughts as your partner reads and have them do the same when you read. After a few chapters share your thoughts and questions with one another.

A List of 40 Book Club Questions for Any Book

12. Dance Date!

There are just so many great options with this one – whether it’s putting on some old classics and swaying in the living room before watching a black and white film (if you’ve never seen It’s a Wonderful Life watch it. Right now), whether it’s putting on your favourite dance hits and jumping around the living room like loons or whether you will take this opportunity to use a tutorial to learn some new moves – you can bet that all of the above will boost your spirits.

Always wanted to learn the moves to ‘Thriller’ or ‘The Git Up?’ Always wanted to learn the foxtrot? There’s no better time! P.S. if it’s ballroom you’re after and you’re a beginner I highly recommend the Jive – it’s so much fun and the steps aren’t too hard. I also highly recommend Kevin and Karen videos – I used to use these as an introduction to dance with my Year 3 class. If they can do it you can do it. Do it!

Image result for couples dance livingroom

Learn The Jive with Kevin and Karen

Shape of You Dance Workout

Worth It With Mandy Jiroux

Thriller with Mandy Jiroux

Please feel free to share your creative date ideas below and though we’re apart we’re all in this together! Also, just remember where there is tea there is hope!




Harry Potter at Rochester Castle – Luna Cinema

rochester castle2

I’ve been missing my North American drive-ins since I swapped Canada for England 3 years ago but this past summer I stumbled upon Luna Cinema; a company that organizes outdoor cinema at various tourist stops around the UK in spring, summer and fall.

I soon found a venue near me -Rochester Castle, Kent- and lo and behold they were showing Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets! I booked those tickets faster than you could say Quidditch.

Luna Cinema Review

1. Watching Harry Potter in a castle = amazing
2. Ample room to sprawl out on the lawn at the front or book/bring your own chair
3. View and sound were good
4. Allowed to bring own snacks/drinks (just no glass)
5. Allowed to bring blankets, pillows, snuggly items
6. Food and drinks available for purchase

1. The show will go on in all weather – if sitting in the pouring rain isn’t your idea of fun then it’s likely you’ll be out-of-pocket if the weather doesn’t work in your favour
2. Running out of stuff: they ran out of popcorn and you sometimes had to wait or come back for hot drinks as they kept running out of hot water.


How To Prepare For an Outdoor Movie:
1. Waterproof – Make sure to bring something waterproof (like a tarp, sleeping bag, painting sheet ect,.) to lay down on the grass. It will be damp, dewy and wet.
2. Something to sit on – Make sure to put something on top of your waterproof layer to sit/lay on as sitting straight on the waterproof will still be really cold.
3. Layers – Wear lots of layers and bring more with you.
4. Blankets – No matter what the season it will be cold at night; bring blankets! We brought one and it wasn’t enough. Double-up! Even bring the duvet.
4. Pillows – This is what separates the noobs from the legends. We were noobs. Bring as many as you can carry and make a warm, squishy little nest. I was seriously jealous of the two girls in front of us who had full body pillows – clearly they’d done this before.
5. Snacks/drinks – Before you leave make sure to pack your popcorn, candy or even a picnic and don’t forget a sealed cold drink plus I would highly recommend a thermos of something hot. As there’s no intermission it means you’re going to miss some of your movie going back for something to warm you during it.


Overall we had such a brilliant time; there’s just something magical about watching movies outside and being that it was Harry Potter the castle surroundings really added an atmosphere. Plus the handsome company sure didn’t hurt 😉 The serial sleeper even stayed awake for the whole thing! A perfect date night.

Cost: £15 each (this varies slightly depending on the location)
Doors opened at 6pm show/ads started at 7:30

To search for upcoming movies and venues:
Luna Cinema

Rating: 4/5 broomsticks

What is your favourite Harry Potter movie or moment?


100+ Fun and Creative Dates!

100 creative and fun date ideas for all seasons and budgets!

*= FREE or budget

  1. Have a picnic*
  2. Stargaze*
  3. Tour a Brewery*
  4. Go indoor rock climbing
  5. Laser tag!
  6. Check out an art gallery*
  7. Go to a museum*
  8. Go to an aquarium
  9. Go to the drive-in movies!
  10. Have an at-home spa date night*
  11. Make a blanket fort together: read, watch movies, play boardgames and/or and cuddle inside*
  12. Go on a wine tour
  13. Take a hot air balloon ride
  14. Go skating*
  15. Visit a zoo
  16. Attend a baseball game
  17. Go paintballing
  18. Swim with dolphins
  19. Go fruit picking at a pick-your-own farm*
  20. Go to a theme park
  21. Sit in on a lecture at a nearby University*
  22. Arrange a photoshoot for you and your honey with a local photographer
  23. Pub date: food, darts and pool
  24. Go skydiving
  25. Go to a rifle range
  26. Play mini-golf
  27. Go to a psychic and have a reading done
  28. Volunteer together (animal shelter, soup kitchen, ect,.)*
  29. Go jet-skiing
  30. Try geocatching* (all you need is a GPS and a sense of adventure)
  31. Have a board game night*
  32. Take a cooking class together
  33. Fly a kite at the park*
  34. Go to a poetry slam*
  35. Go to a comedy night*
  36. Go to a gym and workout together
  37. Go to a fair or festival
  38. Visit a hot spring
  39. Book a horse-drawn carriage ride
  40. Take a ride in a helicopter
  41. Go to a waterpark
  42. Go zorbing
  43. Have a water balloon/water gun fight*
  44. Grab your favourite seasonal drink and go for a fall walk or drive*
  45. All-you-can-eat sushi date (you order on iPads and yes, they have way more than seafood on offer)
  46. Go to a jousting tournament! Medieval Times anyone?
  47. Take a dance class
  48. Take a drive down memory lane: to your past houses, schools, and favourite hangouts*
  49. Bake something together*
  50. Go tubing (on water or snow)
  51. See a live theatre show
  52. Have a rooftop date: grab a blanket, some snacks and stargaze*
  53. Have a chalk date: make silly art and play hopscotch on the pavement just like old times*
  54. Go go karting*
  55. Grab some wellies and go puddle jumping*
    puddle jumping
  56. Go snorkelling
  57. Book a glass bottom boat ride
  58. Go to a butterfly conservatory
  59. Check out the most haunted places near you
  60. Ice cream date: share a shake or grab ice creams before walking it off*
  61. Tour local caves
  62. Attend a murder mystery dinner
  63. Feed ducks together*
  64. Paint date: Attend a painting party or buy a couple canvases and DIY it at home
  65. Go bowlingMaybe even glow in the dark bowling?
  66. Play a drinking game that coincides with your favourite tv show… but know your limits!
  67. Go cage diving with great white sharks
  68. Go dog-sledding
  69. Visit a sugar bush or maple syrup festival*
  70. Have a wine and cheese night*
  71. Go on a haunted walk city tour
  72. Go punting or paddle boating
  73. Go snow-shoeing
  74. Attend a soccer/football/hockey game
  75. Play badminton together*
  76. Find a great trail and go hiking: maybe carve your initials in a tree*
  77. Go camping (away or in the backyard)*
  78. Go to the spa for a couples massage
  79. Have an outdoor movie night
  80. Gather some quarters and go to an arcade*
  81. Go for a run together or work out to a cheesy workout video*
  82. Have a romantic bath together*
  83. Do a hot wings challenge against each-other at a nearby restaurant*
  84. Go the horse or dog races and place little bets*
  85. Go kayaking/canoeing
  86. Tour a local manor/castle
  87. Take a train to a new town or city
  88. Go roller blading*
  89. Have a videogame and pizza night*
  90. Have a bonfire and roast marshmallows*
  91. Visit a sexy shop
  92. Play basketball*
  93. Go for a bike ride*
  94. Go to the driving range or Top Golf*
  95. Go on a dinner cruise
  96. Play frisbee*
  97. Ride a Ferris wheel
  98. Visit a local lido or pool and go for a swim
  99. Stay at a hotel for a night: hit up the town, then take advantage of the pool, hot tub, sauna and gym
  100. Get dressed up fancy: leave a note for your significant other along with something new and nice to wear, telling them to meet you at a certain time and place
  101. Head to the beach*
  102. Skip rocks*
  103. Climb a tree together; build a tree fort*
  104. Go horse-back riding
  105. Go ziplining
  106. Make a snowman and some snow angels*
  107. Go dirt biking/ATVing/snowmobiling
  108. Have a sleepover: grab all your favourite snacks, a great movie, maybe some massage oil or board games and stay up late*
  109. Carve a pumpkin