25 LDR Surprises (Part 2)

Here are 25 more sweet little surprises to remind your lover from abroad of your love. Enjoy!


26. I think an hourglass would make a really sweet long distance present. You could get it engraved or send it with a note that says “we’ll be together again soon” or “I will wait for you” ❤


27. Use Stitchagram to create a pillow or bag using your Instagram photos! Would make a really sweet keepsake for yourself or a heartfelt gift for your other half. However if you have a flip phone like me they will shun you.


stamp28. Order custom stamps to make your letters that much more special 🙂 You can have a photo of you and your sweetheart printed on it.



29. Take some photobooth photos of yourself and send them to your sweetie; there’s just something special about photobooth photos that makes them cooler than regular photos. Also don’t forget to take some when you two are together 🙂


30. Design a custom puzzle for your significant other and send it in the mail! Make it a cute photo of the two of you or a sexy shot that he’ll be racing to put together 😉 There are lot’s of sites where you can design and order them.


31. I really love surprises where your S.O. goes “how did she do that? Is she magic?” I feel like this is one of those surprises. What could be better than getting chocolate in the mail? Getting chocolate in the mail with your face/name/a cute message on it!



32. If you can speak another language (or enlist a bilingual friend’s help!) send a letter in another language ♥ I think this is kinda romantic plus it’ll be a challenge for your partner to decipher it 😉


33. Dress up your letter and envelope with stickers! You’d be surprised at the variety you can find at the dollar store or wal-mart 🙂


34. Press flowers and put them with a love letter. I’d like to do this with a maple leaf 🙂

How to: http://www.care2.com/greenliving/make-botanical-art-with-pressed-flowers.html#media=wp-image-1247090&bbpn=627159369


35. Send your sweetie a date in a box! Simply include all the things your honey will need for your date and a cute invite and you’re all set 🙂 Right, is a movie date in a box I sent my boy and left is a romantic bath date I sent him (though it turns out I don’t get wifi signal in my bathroom lol).


36. This is such a sweet idea 🙂 Send your sweet pea a box with everything they’ll need in it for when they get sick (cough drops, tissue, chicken soup mix, cold fx, dvd, cold and flu medication, something cuddly, ect,.). Want to do this since I can’t be there to nurse my baby back to health ❤

jonessoda  jonessoda2

37. Customize a Jones Soda for your sweetheart with a photo of the two of you on it. So cute! They come in 6 or 12 packs and have a cute fortune under the cap. Their green apple flavour is super yummy.



38. Design a mixed cd sleeve so your sweetie can slip the lovely mix cd you’ve made them inside it. Mine turned out a lil lopsided so hopefully you’re a bit more crafty than I am :p.

How to: http://www.autostraddle.com/now-what-how-to-make-a-cd-sleeve-for-your-superfly-mixtape/


39. Send your sweetie a New Years Kiss! Or a kiss just because 🙂 Whoever came up with this brilliant act of sweetness is a genius (and no it was not me this time). I just remembered I will be with my sweetheart this New Years! *hyperventilates a little*


40. Send a spicy care package! (No that kind of spicy you minx). Include things like hot candies, hot sauce, beef jerky, flavoured popcorn/chips, hot drinks (cocoa, tea, coffee), ect,. And don’t forget a cute note that says something like “because you’re so hot” 😉 *Green Earth has some great hot sauces right now in mini (lightweight!) sizes.



41. Send some clippings with your next love letter to let your sweetie know they’re on your mind. A cute cartoon? An article on their favourite sports team? Catalog clippings of products they would like? A sexy Cosmo article? If you see something they’d like, cut it out :).


42. Name a star for your other half :). There are a few sites where you can purchase a star and a book that will show you where your star is. The scientific community will not call that star by your name but it’s still a sweet gesture. If you have access to coordinates you could always just pick one!

An interesting article on naming stars: http://www.universetoday.com/104134/can-you-really-name-a-star/


43. Buy tix online to your partner’s favourite sports team, concert, or theatre event (and make sure to send two so they can bring a friend). I think this is very thoughtful and will def. score you points with their friends!


44. This is kind of hilarious. Make your significant other this card… cause everyone can use a laugh :).


45. If you and your sweetie both have iPhones (ie not a flip phone like me) download the pair app! It is an app designed for long distance couples to keep you two as close as you cann be when you are a million miles apart :).



46. Send your lovebug a message in a bottle! You can order one from the site below or DIY it… very romantic ;).



47. Find the cutest stuffed animal you can find. Spray with your perfume or cologne and send!


48. Give your sweetie a taste of childhood! Wrap a chocolate bar in a Willy Wonka style golden ticket that your S.O. can redeem the next time you two lovebirds see each other. (massage? meal? movie?). Tutorial below…



49. With just a mug and a sharpie you can DIY a custom mug for your sweetheart. That way they will think of you every morning with their coffee or tea :).

Heres an article on what methods will give you the best results: http://blog.cabinconnection.com/2013/03/15/how-to-bake-permanentsharpie-marker-on-ceramic-coffee-mugs/


50. Send your sweetie a hot chocolate gift package… would love to get this on a cool autumn morning or a wintry afternoon 🙂 *cost effective to grab a piping bag and fill it with some of your hot cocoa and mellows and tie with a ribbon… can also DIY chocolate dipped spoons 🙂

For more ideas check out my pinterest:

2 thoughts on “25 LDR Surprises (Part 2)

  1. Thanks 🙂 Out of these I’ve used lots of stickers, sent chocolate kisses, the date in a box ones, and the funny card one. Really wanna try the DIY mugs, how did yours turn out?

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